Roman Reigns' Superman Punch is one of, if not the single most exceedingly awful things in WWE at the present time. It looks extraordinarily fake in its execution. The hopping execution makes it look more like a bit of theater than a wrestling move. At last, he does that gooey 'positioning' move as though his clench hand is a type of weapon. That doesn't make him look cool; it makes an officially mushy move even worse.That move is perhaps the most concerning issue with Roman Reigns at this moment. He has improved impressively after some time and he has really put on a few engaging matches in the course of recent years. In any case, as long as he continues doing that Superman Punch, it'll be as though he's bearing dead weight in his matches.
WWE's adaptation of master wrestling is similarly as subject to credible wrestling strikes all things considered on appropriately executed catch moves. This is particularly significant for those wrestlers that style themselves as brawlers and strikers. They're intended to execute strike assaults that the group of spectators accepts can really damage regardless of whether it's arranged. The Superman Punch doesn't fit into this category.Roman Reigns should reevaluate this entire 'Superman Punch' contrivance and adopt an alternate strategy to his wrestling. He should take a gander at what different wrestlers (just as himself) to perceive what sorts of wrestling strikes work and which ones don't. Who knows; on the off chance that he gets free of the Superman Punch, he may really get a larger number of cheers than boos.